Darryn Campbell

Developer Relations - Speaker - Software Architect


Darryn is a developer relations lead with a background in clientside software development and software architecture based out of the UK.

He works as a developer advocate for PubNub, who provide a scalable, reliable and extensible communications platform for chat applications, IOT devices and virtual experiences.

Darryn has nearly 20 years of development experience, specializing in mobile platforms and web development.

In his spare time he manages various websites, maintains some personal software projects, is a keen reader and former athlete.

Technical Writing & Blogs

Not all content I write has been clearly attributed to me, so this is the easiest way to find specific content, sorted by technology. The bulk of my writing has been through my work, either blogs, technical user guides or other developer deep-dives

Technical writing diagram
Technical writing diagram
Technical writing diagram

Please see the technical writing page for the full list

Demo Apps & Samples

A selection of recently created applications that target the web. For a more complete list of demos and samples, please see the demos page


I have spoken at Android Droidcon in London, Berlin & Israel as well as Google Developer Groups in London and Poland.

I also frequently present webinars on mobile technologies and development.

All slides & recordings (where available) can be found at the Speaking page.

Contact Me

Please do not email directly with development questions for PubNub or for Zebra devices.

The Zebra developer portal is available to publicly post questions related to Zebra.

PubNub support are the best people to contact for specific PubNub questions.

Please contact via Email or LinkedIn